About us

University > About us

About us

BSSF is a private university of applied sciences newly conceived from the ground up for anyone who would like to develop sustainable and intercultural innovations and implement them with professional success through media.

With the foundation of the Berlin School of Sustainable Futures, University of Applied Sciences we follow the conviction that cultural dynamics, communications processes and sustainability must be considered in an integrated way. Only in this way can the differing perceptions of companies and environmental processes be better understood and, from that, ultimately develop innovative competencies in solving problems.


Here you will find a list of all the information about our university:

Mission statement and strategy

We see ourselves as one of the universities committed to sustainability for the applied sciences.

We place the topics of “environmental change and sustainability” and “media- and cultural development” at the focus of our educational offerings and our research projects as a result of “digitalisation, environmental change and globalisation processes.”

This profile focuses on questions of the medially determined interconnection of culture, space, and society, the use of environmental assets in the global age and the thereby associated challenges of how to handle these problems scientifically, societally, politically and in communications.

We offer four Master’s degree and two PhD programmes that fill an existing gap in the university landscape, because they place sustainability, media, culture and society in association with global developments and digitalisation.

Academic Excellence

Successful academic work requires quality and excellence in teaching.

The Berlin School of Sustainable Futures, University of Applied Sciences is committed to providing students with a highly qualified range of courses and transparent, success-oriented structures in a strong social and cultural context. Internationally renowned professors lead our degree programmes. We place great emphasis on finding faculty with the greatest skills. Our instructors hold and/or have held leading roles in companies, ministries and organisations in addition to their academic qualifications so they can ensure the practical relevance of our programmes.

Unique selling point

Bridging the gap between knowledge and action requires new ways thinking.

Action and the environment are perceived through the spectacles of culture and media, a process that has been successful for thousands of years. But the same thing is now blinding mankind, because it prevents us from recognising what needs to be done to secure the future. This means that our “mental infrastructures”, i.e. patterns of thinking, have to be changed, because, for example, the concept of growth is closely linked to the behaviour of “homo oeconomicus”. That means dealing with the structures and patterns of economic activity is not a genetic paradigm, but a cultural one. A cultural change is therefore essential and can mean the difference between success and failure in the future.

Personal Experience

Our graduates have in-depth knowledge of sustainable business and transcultural competence, but they also have communication skills and analogue and digital networking skills. They recognise sustainability and empathy as conditions for living together and use them as a value-oriented attitude.

Our goal is to train well-networked and internationally oriented people with a strong practical orientation, who are smart enough not to want to force the necessary paradigm shift and sustainable projects and processes, but who are capable of implementing and asserting them convincingly in the knowledge of existing decision-making processes and diverging interests in politics, bureaucracy, business and society.


State recognition

The university of applied sciences received state recognition as a private university of applied sciences according to § 123 of the Law on the Universities of Berlin (BerlHG) on 1st June 2018. Teaching will start beginning of September 2020.

Quality management

Successful academic work requires quality and excellence in teaching.

The BSSF is committed to providing students with a highly qualified range of courses and transparent, success-oriented structures in a strong social and cultural context. The planned courses are accredited or reaccredited by the Acquin agency in order to ensure the quality of teaching.